Catch Up?

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Alright well this is interesting turns out my cousin isn't intersex apparently that was a bunch of bull shit her part of the family lied so the rest of the family would take it better with her coming out.

My cousin claims she isn't trans.She says she is a girl but she's not transgender.She said that to my family but I use to be subscribed to her channel and she said she was trans there's even a video on Facebook saying she's trans comeing out of her mouth she said she is trans so... I'm confused

I know she biologically is male because I grew up with her being male my nana changed her diapers.My nana knows what's she is biologically. And i don't believe that she would lie about being trans because she has videos and everything saying she is I mean the ones on YouTube are gone but the Facebook ones arnt.

I think my nana is bullshitting me and trying to get me to go against her.because after that was said my nana said

I don't care if he's gay but he needs to own up to being a fag I don't care that he's gay my sons gay

Apparently my uncle even said something against her.The thing is she is a bad example as a person is general.She is the only person my family knows that is trans and where she's not that great of a person anymore they have a certain oppion on her.

I don't believe my uncle is against trans considering he's apart of the LGBT community but just because he's apart of it dosent mean anything. But like I said awhile ago he stopped trying to get me to do typical girl things just because I'm not the type to fuck with how I am.

And he's not into big gender rolls some things kinda like he didn't want his boyfriend to cross dress anymore and I think that's just because he is scared what we would think which he still dosent know that we knew his boyfriend did that.

Oh trip talk so most of the recordings are on rylies phone because you know my storage sucks and she has better video quality I got the ones from her snapchat on my phone because her Bf gave me the password thanks dude

But some of them apparently she didn't save to her snapchat so they are on her phone and I have no way of getting those unless she saves them to her snapchat or send them to me and she can't do that because she's grounded which she is all the damn time so idk when I'll upload the video but it will be uploaded imma try to wait for the other videos that go with it but if I can't you get what you get lol

Also I wanna do a Q&A so if you got questions put them down below and I will Anwser them!

Alright well I'm out byeeeee!!!!

Living as a UnHealthy teenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora