Emotional Abuse/Verbal Abuse

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Yes I'm going to talk about this...

So if you guys are new here you may or may not know that I have had some things said to me that a parent should never say to their kid. They are supposed to boost your confidence not tear it down. Well my confidence has been boosted a way for a girl and well I'm trans so I didn't take it as a compliment and I didn't like it.

     And it's been completely shut down I've always been comfortable with myself 100% still am but my family sometimes makes me question hey why am I ok with myself? When everyone else says this in that is making me look horrible when in reality I look fine? I honestly like how I look and dress other than needing another hair cut right about now annddd needing boxers and a binder GETTING SHIT DOWN BTW. My main hs friend helping me with it.

Comments said from my mother herself are...
•You look like shit•
•You dress horrible•
•You look like your a ware-fare kid•
•Your face looks horrible *One or two spots of actny*•
•Your arms look horrible• *Scars are a bitch not my fault*

Not jokingly ether I know when my mom is joking she wasn't

If I'm able to when I'm 16 I'm most likely going to get emancipated if you don't know what that is basically it's where you parents no longer have any say over you.

Things you should know/Need
Have to find a place and pay for a place to live
Pay for your own Heath care
Buy and cook your own food
You are legally responsible for all contracts you sign
You can be sued and held financially liable
You are NOT!  able to vote or buy alcohol

     Basically you can engage in things that require a parents permission. Which when you do this it legally makes you a adult. Honestly I kinda recommend this if your living in any kind of abusive house hold. Or homophobic or transphobic people living with you.

But there are things you need to think about like will you be able to get a job get a place to live you really need to think about it if your going to do it. Make sure you will be able to do these things.

    I personally am going to be choosing to live with a friend that is 100% accepting of me. She's going to be out of high school in a year and buy a house and get a job right now she babysits for money. But she's very independent and she's been a great role model in my life and she's literally the best choice I have unless I want to move really far away to just end up living up in my car that I don't even have yet.
I really would like to finish school and then go to college so I don't want to worry about a full time job right now. She not the only person I could go to but she's already agreed that she would take me in because she knows what's going on.

Tomorrow's subject will be physical abuse no I wasn't physically abused I just need to let this out and don't want to keep it hidden any longer   Anyways stay strong love you guys BYEEEEEE!!!!

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