My Last Day in Middle School...

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My last day in the middle school was yesterday. A couple people in my grade were crying...A couple people hugged me more than I thought would.

It seems the closer we are to getting to school being over and then are lives start then we become adults.The more people care about who they surround themselves with and I'm glad they care because you shouldn't surround yourself with people that don't like you for you last year was my last year doing that.

This year I clarified to my friend group that I wasn't going to change for them.They are still adjusting and I know it will take time all I ask is that they try.The ones that are barley trying are already out of my life.

In Highschool I can start new and I will I'm not afraid too anymore.Im not going to push anyone out of my life that's not what I'm trying to do but if they disrespect me for being me they don't need to be around me.

I have also noticed that there are more gay people In my grade than I think lemme name some with fake names of course
1.Halsey ~ she likes all genders different school sadly. She is still my best friend and I'm glad she is. Out to her mom has been for awhile I just didn't know.Shes not completely out. She likes all genders but uses the term bisexual.

2.Rylie~she likes all genders,she likes me even though she has a boyfriend,she's out to a couple people.

3.Kale~I've never brought him up before but kale is gay.I thought he was bisexual apparently he's not.

4.Wise~ this chick is bisexual,I think she is out to everyone, she is out to her mom I know that for sure because her mom got mad because she didn't want wises girlfriend to come over to her house.

5.Bear~ this is the guy that cross dresses,he's bisexual,he's only out to me and his girlfriend

6. Sakana~(Japanese for fish) she's into marine stuff that involve fish and underwater animals so I'm calling her sakana,she's bisexual,she's only out to a couple of friends.

8.Harold~ he's bisexual and is a high schooler I think he's out to people at school not family though I know he is in school because during marching band I said why are those guys laughing and he said there laughing about my sexuality and all I said was ok

9. Rose~ highschooler,ok she may be bisexual I'm not 100% sure because her boyfriend said it so idk ok Here's what was said

Rose~do you accept gay marriage?
Pea~it's against my religion so no what's right is to be with god if God says it's wrong then I do not believe in it.
Pea~*walks away*
Harold~we should explain OUR SEXUALITY
Rose~omg no! Your gonna give him a heart attack

Thing about pea supper religious and a dramatic asshole when things don't go his way also a high schooler.

But yea rose and Harold are together.One cute thing about them together is the days that we have like a crazy week or something they were tu tus together it's really cool.

But I'm uploading this on the trip I'll record as much as I can love you guys stay strong💪🏻 byeeeeeee!!!!

Sincerely Andy ( ^ω^ )

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