Why cant you let me do this?

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So I want to visit my friend that moved and I already talked to her about visiting her this summer I tried talking to my mum about it she of course fucking said no your not going some where two hours away with me going to have a baby by then and what if something happens ?
I try to say a idea before I can say anything she says no.
I say ok and shut the door to my room.
I'm fucking 14 and want to visit a friend that lives two hours away and maybe go a couple days and come back home tell me what's wrong with that?
Let's give this chick a name...Mack
Mack my cousin went to FUCKING WASHINGTION DC WITH HER FRIEND and my nana said she could go did my mum say shit about it no but if my nana knew I wanted to go she would say no too the thing is I can handle myself way better than Mack can and she got to go but I don't it's bullshit that's what it is and WASHINGTION IS WAY FARTHER THAN I WANNA GO
yes I have considered her coming here but she's already been to my house before and she really wants me to see were she lives because she loves it so much and wants to show me but I guess I can't even get enough words in to tell mum that and there's a huge reason why she can't come here but there's no huge reason for me not being able to come there

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