I shouldnt feel like this everytime

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So this will probably be short but every time I'm with someone,like dating I feel like they feel that they can do anything they want to me without my permission and I don't like that,for example touch my hair which I've told everyone in my friend group if you don't want your arm broken ask permission first and they respect that but then I date someone from friend group this happens not dating anyone right now just giving a example
Partner~sits beside
Me~talking to person on other side of me not looking at partner because they just walked in and I didn't know
Me~*Turns Around*What do you think your doing?
Partner~touching your hair were dating so it's ok
Me~Dosnt matter I told you not to touch my hair without my permission

which honestly there's only 1 person so far that has done this hair wise but if I'm super connected with you I will tell you,you don't need my permission which I didn't trust this guy enough but I dated him anyway but I'm glad I know now that I need to trust them more before I date them
But not only hair other things have happened like pressuring me to do something I don't want to do and they get mad when I say no and then I feel like I did something to affect them and that makes me feel bad I haven't done this before but next time I date someone the first time doing this stuff I'm gonna ask them like
Can I kiss you?
Can I hold your hand?
To make sure they want to I don't want to pressure anyone to do something they don't want to do but it wasn't even these kind things this guy wanted me to do but still just so you guys know he didn't get me to do any of it

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