Remember Rylie?

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Well I don't know how I should feel right now about her cause before my friend...well call her Halsey  before Halsey moved Rylie said that Halsey stole this other girls mums ring and I know Halsey too well she wouldn't steal anything.But now Rylie is mad at this girl lets call her tyde because sopossinly she stole this other girls makeup which happens to be one of Rylie best friends idk but tyde never talks to me and all of  a sudden she's buddy buddy with me tyde always hangs out with Rylie 24/7 and since she's mad she ain't going around her but Rylie has been around me more too since tyde isn't around her which Rylie dose talk to me on a daily bases but tyde dosent but Rylie is acting kinda funny a around me and not her cutting herself funny act something else idk what's up but let's say I'm sitting by her she has to be touching me wether it's my leg crossed with hers kinda like a pinky promise but with eachothers legs idk how else to explain it or her touching my hair which she knows I hate so she asks permission first but I know she didn't do that to tyde because they sat near me but also I know Rylie dosent hide feelings at all I think the whole 8th grade knows she bi but that's because she told the person she was daiting at the time and it spread idk I just felt bringing this up any advice?what should I be thinking?

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