Some Bad Shit...Some Good Shit...

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Ok no need to introduce myself by now you all should know who I am if not we'll too fucking bad😂

Ok First of my Spanish teacher said to everyone that they could have a boy name or a girls name for their Spanish name and I said Andres and she kept trying to change it to make it more femine and I said to her no Andres I like it how it is and then today again when she was saying our grades she says a weird version of my birth name and then feminizes Andres and I just didn't awnser her when she said it I agreed to Andres not those other names sometimes she'll say it right other times she try's to feminize it and when she dose that I refuse to awnser her

We got a 1 at our band competition last week so we get to go to state and November 2 on a Sunday we have state competition which isn't cool I'm pretty sure I have conformation that day which is a church thing and I hate church but I have to take it so I don't have to go to the other church classes anymore and if I pass I don't have to go to any church thing at all☺️

So one of my friends was cracking jokes and eventually said did you know unicorns are transgender and I was like what? And he went to talk to someone else and when he walks away I say under my breath I guess My cousin is a unicorn then🤦🏻‍♂️

And then my friend Cody pushed my friend Del with his hand in like a claw shape into Del's chest then Del says that's sooo gay and I said being stereotypical aren't you Del and he turns around and says wait your gay aren't you? And I said yes duh and he says so you like cat?😂 How's That cat😂😂😂😂 and I couldn't hold it in. I started busting out laughing I'm just like no Del stop stop now forever hold your peace and he cracks some more cat jokes 😂😂😂 I wish I had it on record I may have him say it again just so I can get it on record 😂😂😂 Del is fucking halrious my dudes

Another thing that happened was my friends were making jokes about this one person that we are all friends with we do it all the time he's cool with it any way they were talking about "guy stuff" and then one of them says I bet Andy has more testosterone than you Randy 😂😂😂 And then he turns to me and says no offense to you or anything and I'm just like no it's ok because it's true😂😂😂

Oh and about the video that I was suppose to upload last week I didn't forget I kept getting more clips that I could add to it so I haven't posted it yet it will be posted this week but not every thing that I recorded will be posted because some things are on my camera and I don't have a laptop that can take SD cards or flash drives right now but I will upload the things I have on my camera when I get a new laptop the stuff I got on my phone and other peoples phones will be posted. I'm still trying to get last years band videos from someone like when we were joking around and stuff but she never remembers to send it to me I'm going to try and see if she'll just air drop it to me.

Deven (Murder)
Idk if you guys heard but thier was two or three adults killed and a little boy named Deven. They were killed by a 23 year old man who im pretty sure is on drugs. I was out of school I believe Thursday and Friday they found him Friday morning but I go to school at 7:35 am so they canceled it because they didn't think they would find him in time. People in Devens family goes to my school. And the murderer was on my road

Thing of the daaaaaaayyyyy isssssss
The song Don't you dare forget the sun by problematic I litterly have this tattooed in my head which means it's permanently mememorized in case you didn't know what I meant

Any way that's all for today stay strong love you guys BYYYYYYYYYEEEEE BITCHES!!!!!

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