I Keep Thinking

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So I keep thinking about the future which I know I should stick to the present and think but I can't help it high school,driving,then collage then I can do everything I want to do I can finally get a dog that's bred with a wolf I call it a wolf dog I'm not sure what the actual name is or maybe a baby fox idk it depends were I'm at I also want to visit LA and Alaska.Ill get to know for sure that I can cut my hair however the hell I want.Make YouTube videos without being interrupted or feel like I shouldn't video because they can hear me.Get a go to hot topic whenever I feel like it,order things online,just so many things to look forward to but I think out of everything I can see my friends whenever I want I can help them and that's  what I want to do I am interested in so many things like photography I would like to be a photographer but I'd also like to be a veterinarian or work with animals in general.make that store I was talking about.And I'm going to do more research on gender therapist I'm not sure if that's the right name but I wanna help people start testosterone or estrogen or get top surgery or bottom surgery I want to help them understand who they are and who they want to be I wanna do so fucking much
All this how can I do it all if I'm stuck in Collage for a few years lest just pray to all the gays that I live a long life so I can do all this shit lol
Also I want to get tattoos,maybe 1 piercing
Also don't forget that I wanna do a Q&A so ask me some questions!

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