Cat fish bitch

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Hey guys it's Andy again And I need to tell you something very important "Tyler" is not Tyler at all Tyler is a cat fish who lied to me and Eli Tyler is actually a man named Jack and is 29 This jack dude pretended to be Danielle,Carly "Tyler's" thieripist pretty sure jack is a pedo because he said he liked me and the sad part about this is I didn't think anything of it when we didn't call or didn't send pictures to each other because I didn't have service and "Tyler" said they were leaving the internet so I couldn't message him. I'm really pissed about this I'm not going to lie I was going to ask "Tyler" to be my boyfriend because I thought he was 15! Thanks to Eli I know that's not true so shout out to Eli for figuring it out! I'm still confused as to why he would take it so far especially if he had read my wattpad why would you just fuck with me like that? Their was this time were "Tyler" was going to die because of a car crash accident apparently that shit is fake "Tyler" was going to commit suicide and made the fake person Carly message me and say that he was going to live all of this shit was fake I'm very pissed off because I did care I really did  but this is really fucked up like really fucked up im not okay with anything right now anyway and this just made it 10X worse so thanks to jack the possible pedo because for all I know you could be lying about your age not sure don't really care to be honest because your a piece of shit I told you what was going on and you just kept going and I think the main reason I felt for it is because you seemed so real you sounded like you knew what you was talking about when I talked to you about literally whatever I felt like talking to you about I almost forgot that you attempted to hack my skype to get my email and then you kinda figured it out my email failing at hacking my skype and you also in a way are a fucking stalker because you looked at Eli's dads flicker? How In the hell did you do that I have no idea but you jack have a lot of shit to explain to everyone hope you can figure out a way to do that with about being a catfish you piece of shit.

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