State testing

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Im sorry I haven't been posting its just been a crazy schedule for me and everyone in my school since we've always tested on paper instead of coumputers.And we've only finished the reading part one and part two so if I miss a day I'm just craming for the rest of state testing
But I want you to know that you are VAILD your oppions do matter no matter what anyone else says people can be assholes the best advise I could give anyone right now is look at the positive side instead of the negative side cause it will make a difference if your out to someone and they don't call you the right pronouns call them out on it if they don't at least try to fix it now this is my oppion drop them on thier ass...Cause if they are refusing to try their just being assholes and you don't need them
And I couldn't think of a title for this so yea that's what you get lol also I have a field trip today to marathon and Gattie land not so happy about Gattie land but it's whatever I guess I'll tell you about the field trip Tomorrow also really thinking about limiting myself to telling uk chick things because she says she's accepting but the other day she said something about her trans cousin not in a bad way though but anyway she was referring to her cousin by the wrong pronouns she said she is a girl but she says she is a boy (okay just so you know I forgot if the person was a trans boy or trans woman so this is just a example) and I started automatically referring to her cousin with the right pronouns (remember I don't remember what they are now) and uk chick says no she's a girl and I start saying no your saying the pronouns wrong cause if their trans and they say thier this than they are and that's what you call them
And uk chick gets mad when her cousin corrects her and I'm just like ok you don't get mad when I correct you about other people?It doesn't make sense her cousin has a fucking right to correct her and I don't even know her cousin! And I go by what her cousin said! I'm assuming that she is pretending she accepts other people? Thats what I'm getting from all this I even told her every time I catch you saying the wrong pronouns I'm going to punch you she said ok but still she stopped talking to me for the rest of the class after I corrected her about her cousin lol also I feel that my uncle the one that took the photo and came out to me and my family as gay I feel that he thinks that I'm not what I was assigned at birth because he use to say all these things that are by society says girl things like for example why don't you put on make up and dress up curl your hair you know stuff like that and after I got my hair cut and he realized I cried from HAPPYNESS lol he stopped doing that and he seen me playing football with my cousins the cousins I was playing with were all guys and I had to keep telling them don't treat me different two of them were brothers and there dad asked me tackle or no and I immediately said tackle and he was so shocked it was kinda funny he kept asking me are you sure? I say yes and finally he said ok and we played after that the one that was set to tackle me wouldn't tackle me after the one hundredth time telling him don't treat me different as any other person you would be playing in football he stopped and started attempting to tackle me he only got me down twice and that's because he got the heel of my foot so boom bitch lol I don't know who won though I don't even think we kept score now that I'm thinking about it but yea gender crisis with football but I tackled people as well and they thought I couldn't do it but they were wrong I can through decent but I'm not super fast need to work on that lol

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