The bibble is testing me?

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Hey guys it's Andy and if anyone knows about our lord and savior it's not me lol Anyway if you didn't know I go to a bibble school on Sunday's and today we had a test with no warning yes I knew of the test but I didn't know when it was going to happen anyway I'm pretty sure I failed and I don't think we get to see the scores but if we do I'll probaly end up laughing at myself and telling you what I got but the thing that pissed me off the most about the test would have to be that it had a box that said
                       Male ▫️
                       Female ▫️
I was so tempted to write beside it and say sex and gender are two different things or just leave it blank to piss people off😂
Just for your information I'm writing this in bible school so go me
Oh I don't remember if I told you people's but there was this person biologically female I'm calling them a they because I think they may identify as nonbinary but I could be wrong um they brought up binders and gay marriage in class and I was like in my head how do you know about binders? This was awhile ago when they said this but still.They acted as if they accepted it because the person kept asking questions that had something to do with the LGBT+ community and I wanted to ask the person so bad if they accepted the LGBT+ community so badly but I didn't

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