Young Kids Transitioning?

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Hey people's it's Andy and today I'm going to talk about how I feel about younger kids transitioning.Ok so I don't think kids under 14 should be able to start T or estrogen or do any type of surgery.And I'm not saying 14 because that's how old I am I'm saying that because most considered kids have mechured and know what they want by then.I think they shouldn't be able to do this quite yet because kids tend to change their mind a lot.And some things from hormones are permanent.I would say they can do hormone blockers to me that seems ok,because they can stop the blockers if they change there mind.Let them dress and act the gender of the choice just no surgery and no hormones until 14 or 15 it depends on how your child is let me know your oppion and why in the comments! It turns out this has been getting discussed a lot and A lot of people are all for it and a lot of people are against it I think I'm some were in the middle of that because I know how the kids feel when their stuck in the wrong body but then again their gender identities could always change please I want to know your oppion your oppion is 100% VAILD and so are your gender identities and sexual orientations and just you in general stay real love you guys bye!!!

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