This is going to be interesting

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Hey what's up you guys it's your person Andy and today we're going to talk about me being in a relationship.

Ok so I'm in a relationship with a guy named del I have talked about him before he's accepting of me being pansexual we make jokes its good and everything he's there for me litterly my best friend. He asked me out yesterday and I said yes. He's never dated anyone before he's straight by the way. He's really nice and helps when I start freaking out which I do that alot so😂

Also helped with two of my exes helped me get through them 😂 One said they were using me which looking back obviously they were. The other I think the other was also that but had something else to but he didn't make me break up with anybody he just helped me realize it. I would tell him what was happening and he would be like well the issue isn't you 😂 And even then I tried to work with both of them on those issues and they broke up with me😂CLARIFICATIONS DIDNT DATE THESE PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME😂😂😂

that's all for today guys stay strong love you guys BYEEEEEEEE!!!!

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