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Or should I say Q&Gay?Sorry something Matthew Lush dose...

1.How old? 14

2.Birthday? December 10th 2002

3.Favorite band? I'm band trash ok!

4.Favorite Animal? Fox,Dog/wolf
(2 Is Needed)

5.Still get onTumblr? Yes it's user is andytherealme

6.Own a pet? a full blooded tea cup Yorkie and two fish

7.Anime? black butler and death note

8.name? Call me Andy

9.Favorite youtuber? Miles Chronicles ( ^ω^ )

10.Instruments? Trumpet, mellophone,flugel for marching band,French horn,learning uklele and want to learn Elric guitar

11. Languages ? English,some sign language and Spanish learning Japanese

12. Faviorite things to do?Ride go carts,golf carts,side by sides,dirt bikes,four wheelers,penny board,skateboard,long board,ect on rideing things lol and shoot bow and arrow and hang out with friends whenever I can

13. Gender? Female

14. sexual oritation? Pansexual

15. YouTube channel? Andy Hack

16. Skype? I'll look you up just message me your name

17. Snapchat? I'll look you up if you want me to add you mainly because too many people that I don't know try to add me and I don't want to accidentally add them instead of you people's lol

This question comes from
@Danni-Dorito and it says on a scale of gay to gay,how gay?
The awnser is gay overlord

That question was from awhile ago but I figured why not include it lol

If you guys have anymore questions you can ask me in the comments or message me them

Stay strong love you guys BYEEEEEE!!!!

Living as a UnHealthy teenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें