Never Ever Do I Have A Good Tittle

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Hey what's up you guys its Andy( ^ω^ )
I took that photo^

Today we're going to talk about whatever the hell has been going on and whatever I think of because I don't really know what to talk about

First of Hasley hasn't visited yet now she's visiting sometime during school.
Anyway she hates Rylie if I haven't mentioned that.She decided to message Rylie and ask her if she liked me.And Hasley told me she was acting really nervous and said No you know I'm with (blank) me and (blank) have been together for 6 months I like him and him only

I was like ok I'm happy to hear that even though during some of those months she was asking me out... Shes got the nerves to do that shit yet dosent own up to it. She isn't loyal no one can convince me that she is after her asking me out while dating someone.

Second this Sage fucking asked me out again... Again I said no he hadn't talked to me pretty much all summer and then we were having a random conversation and he started asking me if I thinks he looks good with glasses blah blah blah and I said I don't really care and he says I'm still crushing on you XD and I just said I fiqured you would be over me by now and he said nope like I'm sorry dude but you basically cheated on me twice and my dumbass stayed with you and then you got mad at me so you fucking called me a couple things Fuck no I'm not daiting you get over it you wanna be with someone so damn Badley get back with bipolar bitch! I have nothing against bipolar people but she's a fucking bitch😂😂😂

Next thing I wanna talk about is trump not letting trans people join the army you guys seen this coming. We get it trump you don't like the LGBT community we can flat out see it there isn't no hiding it.

But how fucked up do you have to be to not let someone help thier country. Their are so many trans people that wanted to go into the army and now none of them can. And that's got to be the stupidest shit he's done unless theirs something else that he's done a lot of stupid shit so who knows.

Another thing the fucking band director decided that we were going to basically March all day in hot ass weather
9:00am-11:45am (outside marching)
11:45am-12:40pm (lunch)
We have to be on hill by 12:45pm so by 1:00pm we can start marching
So then it goes 1:00pm-3:00pm

Before that became the schedule it was this.
9:00am-11:45am (outside marching)
11:45am-12:30?pm (lunch)
12:30?pm-2:00pm (sectionals)
2:00pm-3:00pm (full band)

I mean it was hot enough for T-Rex to through back up his food yea it was bad also another name for him is spuds it's his band name.

And I still haven't told that one girl about my sexuality it's not that I'm scared I just feel like it would make things awkward since she's the only other flugel,she's my section leader and she ocasionally has to take me home from band camp.I rather things not be wierd between us.

I mean she dosent really ever call me by my birth name she calls me Andy or a wierd version of my birth name. Which is good sometimes I notice other times I'm focused on something else.

And school started yesterday I'm not very happy about my classes at the momment one being I didn't get sign language and I have ALL HONORS CLASSES I SIGNED UP FOR TWO honors classes so now if the class isn't full yet I have to get out of algebra honors and switch to sign language the problem is that there during the same fucking period so yea... May all the gay lords pray for me?lol

Living as a UnHealthy teenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora