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So yesterday after I posted we got to leave school early because of a flash flood alert which I would say we were only there for two hours? Maybe I only got to one class but in that class it was computers day so we went in there and I had to move over so this man could get something beside me and he pat me on the the shoulder and said thanks man I said no problem and Rylie was sitting by me and when he left she said did you hear what he said she started smiling and  I was already smileing and I said yes and Rylie says he called you a man! And I said yes I know lol
Idk it just made me and Rylie both so happy it was crazy so another thing two people like me and I've refused to one several times and the other one is actually with someone as of right now but the person litterly told me they liked me the day before they got with someone and the only reason I hadn't told the person there with is because the person there daiting dosent know there pan
Also I helped someone bisexual realize she was pansexual cause I asked them don't you like nonbinary people and she said yes and I said Pansexual is were you like all genders regardless of what there genitalia is bysexual you like boys and girls and she was like oh ok thank you I'm pansexual then and I say I'm glad I could help
Also I'm really glad I started Wattpad and did this whole thing because I have helped people relize their gender identities and sexual orientations since ive started Wattpad  and it feels great to know I'm helping I've made the YouTube video I was talking about the one on a certain topic it hasn't been posted IDK if it's going to let me post it in a certain amount of time but I hope so if not maybe it will upload next week ? Fingers crossed🤘🏻
And something else me and the person I call Hasley going to have to think of a different name but anyway when her and her mom visit town she is going to come see me!!!! YESSSS !!!!!! And no we're not together but she is my best friend and I'm glad she's in my life litterley the only person Irl that Cares anymore she sees me for who I am and Just yes I can't wait to see her I litterly told her we are going to run at each other and fall and start crying lol I know for a fact that this will happen because it's us and we're both odd so it makes since god I miss her can't wait for summer chase is ethier coming home Tommorow or tonight it better be tonight I swear alrighty well here's the
Random thing of the day?
I met a girl and I really thought she liked me I truly thought that I had met the one it was a fail to know a fail just another victim of the bad girls club
Lyrics again?yesss lyrics again lol

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