Its Been Awhile

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    Hey what's up you guys it's Andy and today we're going to talk about a couple different things

      I'm still with that one guy we've been together for 5 months. To you guys that seems incredibly short but he's my best friend no joke he's been there through everything I've went through hell even when I had the shittest girlfriend ever and somehow couldn't get my dumbass to see it he was there he knows everything that I've been terrified to say to people and let them know about me even stuff that all of you don't know and that amazes me.

    I'm in a decent mind set um I haven't been treated like shit in my relationship. My family well there assholes but I'm getting a hearing test soon. As for making videos I haven't had time I'm getting a truck in (December) at least around then that's probably when I'll start uploading again because I can make videos in my truck. I miss making videos so much you guys have no idea I'm just very busy and the only time I do have is the time I sleep. I really would like to see what you guys would like to see from me because I could always run out of ideas after I do mine that I have so please give me some. I want to make content that you want to see and will enjoy but also content that I will enjoy making. It can literally be me talking about a certain subject or maybe even a challenge.

  If I haven't mentioned what I want to do when I'm older I want to do photography/YouTube maybe something else with film other than doing YouTube definitely not a director and my YouTube will have short films, I'm working on getting my DSL camera first though. I already have two ideas for the short films one of them I would really like help on though it's over Anxiety and yes I have it but I want it to be over different types and different peoples perspectives not just mine? So maybe for that I could have video clips sent to me  or do a Collaboration  type thing and I put a link to your channel or Instagram whatever you could help me in person with it even depends where you live.

       Also I need music options maybe I could do a my playlist Video or you guys give me music and I tell you what I think about the music. I want to start doing stuff that involves you guys interacting I don't want it to be me a make a video and no one has anything to say about it and have no oppion on it like give me options and opinions.

I haven't been reading any Wattpad stories lately and I feel bad about it because a lot of people deserve more recognition? I think is how you spell it. And I'm going to try to read some of it more start commenting giving book shout outs again. Voting so it can help get people's books out there. A lot of people deserve for more people to see there stuff and they don't it sucks really.

     Once again I'm going to bring up my hearing um a lot of people think that because my boyfriend is completely hearing if I go deaf he will leave me. Um no that's not true at all and I'm pretty sure I've made that aware to you guys at some point. He knows how to sign we sign all the time and if I can't hear what someone's saying all I have to do is look at him and sign what are they saying and he tells me. Sometimes I don't even ask he askes me can u hear them he always signs when he askes me that and I'll awnser yes or no and if I say no he starts signing. Like we will be at lunch and someone will be talking across the table to me well I can't hear across the table😂 and as much as I don't want him to have to interpret for me he's fine with it and he offers if he ever doesn't want to do it it's not like I'm making him. My friends don't sign which it's difficult sometimes because they will be like never mind if you have a friend with hearing problems never say nevermind or it doesn't matter or should have been listening the first time like I CANT FUCKING HEAR sorry that pisses me off.

And if I were to even go completely deaf I definitely wouldn't get a cochlear implant it's just not for me. I rather just not hear and sign if people want to talk to me they will sign. I probably wouldn't talk anymore as in I would go nonverbal. I say this because I already have lots of anxiety and I stutter sometimes and I pronounce really simple words wrong not being able to hear myself will just make me constantly overthink of what I'm saying. I mamay mouth words I'm signing but I probably won't say them.

Anyway instead of a thing of the day how about a sign of the day?


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