Im genuiuly sick of it

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This is gestured between two people btw guys I'm single again it was a catfish I'm stupid I really am.

I'm sick of people acting like they care when in reality they want nothing to do with me. Im sick of being there for people when they are never there for me. If you don't want me around fucking tell me because trust me it would hurt a lot less if you just fucking said the truth. Everytime I try to message a certain one of you I'm going to sleep at 2:00 pm? Your going to sleep? I check and a hour later your on fucking Facebook you've been active the hole time.

Lie much? The saddest part is your the person that made me happy when no one else could your the reason I stayed alive now your the reason I'm depressed all the time now your the reason I want to end myself because you won't tell me anything I ask all the time and you sit there and complain on the internet on your story's and say that no ones there for you But I sit right there and message and ask you all the time but I'm not there right? I don't care one bit what's up with you? I haven't asked because I don't care? I did ask I ask every fucking day and you won't tell me shit.

I'm sick of it I want friends that will be there for me like I am for them. When it goes to telling you my problems you say nothing you act like I didn't even tell you. Like what I'm saying never happend news flash it did happen you just want people to be there for you but you ingnore it when someone is

I just want you guys to know if you ever need to talk I'm here I will talk to you about whatever you feel like you need to talk about. Even if you think it's the dumbest thing on earth I will talk to you anyway that all for now Stay strong love you guys BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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