Its My Birthday Bitches!

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we did a thing called battle of the sexes which pissed me off because it was separated by gender so I was suck with what I am biologically. Basically the boys get questions about things girls should know. And girls would get questions boys should know.

Spuds,Del, and this one dude all asked me at separate times in the day well which side are you going to go on? Cause im better at the guy questions😂

The funny thing is as soon as we got into groups Del said to the other guys that I should be over there.Because I didn't want anyone in that class questioning me. Like I get it its battle of the sexes for a reason but I legitimately know nothing about being a girl even though I am one.

Mid terms are coming up and I'm freaking the fuck out for science. Because yes I have a good grade in there but I have failed every exam we have done in there even after I retook them I didn't make my grade on any of them go much higher. And I studied on all of them and failed so it pisses me off because there are people that don't even study and pass.

Also I am sick. Yay I mean I don't feel bad my voice just keeps cracking and I keep sneezing. The funny thing about this is because I don't act sick a lot of my friends have asked me if I'm taking testosterone because of my voice cracking. If I was fucking taking it you guys would fucking know. And why would I if im not trans? No you fucking idiots I'm sick😂 And people keep telling me I sound cute when I'm sick.Im just like ok? Like how should I respond to that? Lol

I'm headed to tennessee today... I think my uncle is going to fix my phone why we are visiting. Yay a week of anxiety.Well I'm going to act like me. The only difference is I'm not going to yell at people over stupid things because none of them know. But it's thanksgiving break so that's where I am going.

So we haven't got my phone fixed yet I have to get a new one. Um Tyler hasn't talked to me since he said he was not going to contact me I don't even know if I should be mad or upset kinda both if Im being honest. I just wish he would have said the truth. And not took Eli's personal information.

Tyler has messaged me since the hole catfish thing happened um I don't know what to think about it I really don't. I have my first mid-term tomorrow it's History. And I also have a Spanish Test and Science Exam. I have a reading Vocab Test this Thursday.My science fair stuff is due by Friday. I have more midterms on the 13,14,15,18 my book project is also due the 15th. I'm haveing a crisis I do not want to fail these exams I'm freaking out. Whenever I get a new phone I will have service and unlimited data so I should be able to post more. My phone has this thing were you can share your data using personal hotspot but I'm not sure if it will effect my phone bill if I use it🤷🏻‍♂️I want to use it for my laptop but idk if it will cost anything extra.

Today's my birthday I'm 15. I got another hair cut I feel great😂 just so much shit that I've been through I really didn't think I could make it this far I thought that I would be dead by now and how far I've come with telling people I'm pansexual fucking amazing😂😂😂 I feel great I mean don't get me wrong still stressed about the rest of my exams and slap project but it will be ok as long as I do my best that's all that matters I'm not going to lie to you guys I had a mental break down two days in a row in school over school work because I was getting to stressed and I really really care about my grades it isn't healthy how much I care about my grades. I'm trying to work on not caring about my grades as much because it's fucking my brain up bad. My mom dosent know I seen this but look

My nana said that and she definitely knew who I was😂😂😂 after that she said cute lol and me and Tyler are not in contact I wish he would have told me more than he did but it's whatever I guess anyway that's all for today Stay strong love you guy...

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My nana said that and she definitely knew who I was😂😂😂 after that she said cute lol and me and Tyler are not in contact I wish he would have told me more than he did but it's whatever I guess anyway that's all for today
Stay strong love you guys BYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Random thing of the day....
If people can't accept you just tell them to fuck off because unlike them your not afraid to be yourself lol

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