My Haircut storytime( ^ω^ )

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The first time I got my hair cut the way I wanted was actually nerve racking but excited I asked my mum about getting my haircut and she said I don't know how I feel about that and I said think about it and so a week later I was going on a trip to tenesee to visit my uncle and a couple of days after being there he says didn't you want your hair cut? And of course I said yes ( ^ω^ ) he said we'll go Tommorow I of course freaked out inside my brain I was so fucking happy so next day I'm shaking and getting nervous the people that were with me kept saying your going to chicken out because I never liked getting my hair cut or touched by anyone anyway we get to the place and I show them the picture of the haircut I want and they said are you sure?Thats a big change but it's really cute I said yes so they get started but I close my eyes because I'm terrified so she says do u wanna take a peek I say no I'm good and she keeps going eventually she finishes and she says you can look now and it takes me a few minutes and I open my eyes and I swear to you guys I FUCKING CRIED I WAS SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!( ^ω^ ) BEST MEMORRY EVER!!!!! But I hurried up and pulled it together and I go to my uncle and my cousin and

my uncle says did you cry? (Cause of the way my face looked lol)
Uncle~do u not like it?
And he laughs at me I don't blame him though it was funny anyway a few days later I go back home and my mum didn't know I cut it so I get home and she says You cut your hair....Yes yes I did She says I like it but I think she lied because she wouldn't talk to me for a couple days lol and I didn't bust out tears they were just drops so i thought they wouldnt notice

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