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So I didn't post again yesterday I'm sorry just been thinking I got two As on both of my history's test so that's good um Anxiety is hiting me hard it sucks ass hopeing to see my girlfriend this summer that's if we get lucky though because clearly my mum knows I'm gay and me being 2 or 3 hours away from the house with a girl yea my mum basically be yelling at me lol all though my mum dosent know I'm in a relationship and she dosent know my girlfriend is bi soo... Wait wouldn't she be pan? She doesnt care like me so? Hmm well she said she was bi when she first came out to me but idk who cares stupid labels for everything but anyway should coming out be like a thing anymore? Like its 2017 people are nonbinary,trans,gay,pan, BITCH QUEER lol idk it's a new generation things change and people need to get over it honesty but suppose to get binder whenever mum looks into it which hopeing soon oh wait I forgot to metion I was playing with three boys yesterday at my mums boyfriends parents house and one minute the boy calls me a girl and when I don't response he calls me a boy and then I responded WTF ANDY GONNA MAKE PEOPLE QUESTION YOU!!!! Even though I don't indetify as a boy😂 I just seem to respond no matter what people call me. ALSO I almost outed myself because one of my friends that don't really understand me being pansexual was trying to guess who I was daiting and he was guessing only dudes and so was sage finally I say something and I used she prounouns when referring to her and Dick face says YOUR DAITING A WOMAN and in my head I'm like SHIT WTF DID YOU JUST DO!!!!! And sage is just mouthing the words you gave yourself away and I'm like hinting to stop before dick face sees him and I say no your fucking crazy lol and he BELIEVED ME WTF I AM THE WORST LIER EVER AND HE BELIEVES ME????OK ILL TAKE IT the reason sage knew the person was a girl was because that's all I told him is that I was daiting a girl which is how he now knows I'm queer suprise bitch but really if my friends ever really close payed attention they would have know last year that I was queer but sage wrote all his guesses on a sheet of paper dick face said his guesses out loud anyway eventually sage fiqures it out and he says is the person and I told him no reason being is because it's honestly none of his business and he would start asking personal questions and nah I'm good I think I've told 2 people that me and her are dating and that was uk chick and someone I never talk about on here so yea for example sage asked me who asked who which honesty that question dosent bother me but if I would have awsered he would have kept asking more question and the awnser to that is I guess I asked her cause I told her that I liked her and couldn't hold it back any longer and needed to tell her and she said she felt the same way so yep anyway I'm going to go penny board so see YEA

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