Lets Talk...

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So we had a lock down today it was fake but we would have died if it was real the teacher dropped her keys and was trying to pint something off the computer and she was on YouTube trying to watch videos all during the lock down she's going to get someone killed!
And my friend was on snapchat during band and this girl that she added on snapchat had posted something saying only if we had enough fingers for every gender something like that and the girl had two fingers up and a caution thing.My friend screenshots it the girl texts her saying there's only two genders my friend replies with cool I feel like this was aiming towards me because I dress sort of masculine compared to cis girls at my school and my hairs short every girl at my school has long hair I'm the only person at my school that dresses androgynous and she probably thinks im agender im not😂 because I discuss things lgbt alot and will talking to someone about it and me and that person aren't super quiet so I think maybe she over herd.Idk I'm probaly paronoid but I'm still mad at the fact they said that like come one fucking bitches

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