Penny Boarding???

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Dose anyone skateboard?Im into skate boarding but like none of my friends do that kinda stuff and I'm over here like shiiit I started out with a skate board but I got a penny board my skateboard wheels need fixed if I ever ride it again it will move it just gets stuck

2/20/17Dose anyone skateboard?Im into skate boarding but like none of my friends do that kinda stuff and I'm over here like shiiit I started out with a skate board but I got a penny board my skateboard wheels need fixed if I ever ride it again it ...

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I feel like I will include skateboards,penny boards ect. In my store.I want to have them just because I simply like them.
Wait I was wrong there is one friend I have that likes skateboarding and that's sage and my mum hates him so it's not like I can ask her hey can he come over and skate with me?She would say yes to anyone but him

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