Bibble School

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I'm against my religion...I'm Catholic (kms) anyway there's this bible school that I'm forced to go to and they
decided to talk about LGBT and they said the LGBT says were dose it say that it's wrong to be gay in the bible and we read a bible verse and my teacher said this is were it says LGBT is wrong and I'm just like trying my hardest not to say anything in my head I'm screaming at the teacher it's fucking 2017 people are nonbinary,queer ect. Get the fuck over it were all people who deserve to be here and live the life we want to live i can't take bibble school I'm going to end up fucking exploding Infront of homophobic people and trying to defend the LGBT community and then there going to say get out and shit is going to go down but if I'm lucky next year my uncle that is gay won't say I have to go he thinks it's good for me and my cousin to go but at the same time he clearly believes that the LGBT isn't wrong my nana said we could both stop freshmen year which is next year thank the gays yes I just did that

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