No Memory?

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Hey whats up you guys its Andy!
Yeah what is happening? Ive never said that before oh well its whatever lol

Any way I have UPDATES BITCHES ok so first off got a new phone finally we haven't switched the service shit yet but were doing it soon. Second me and Erica did not go to homecoming together me and her wanted to but we couldn't because of their sister.

Their sister said the day before the homecoming that they could go and the next day the sister was pulling bullshit saying that Erica couldn't go because she already went to homecoming. Yes Erica did go but it shouldn't matter if she went to hers or not.I think the sister was thinking that we were secretly together or something I'm not sure.

Two days ago was the first time I had video called Erica it was very awkward😂😂😂 im a awkward being when it comes to my first time video calling someone next time ill act normal hopefully😂

Another thing Halsey started talking to me more again shes just been really busy which i don't blame her so am I.

Im working on editing a video not my reaction video but the other one at the very end there will be my friend asking her friend out to homecoming excuse me in the red sweat shirt i look like shit because I was tired didn't want to do anything and I had lots of reports to get done and now I still have to get a history report done kill me its probably the easiest one I have had but the most boring.

And shes making me fucking type it which is kinda hard to get done when you don't have wifi or a laptop with a flash drive port 🙄

Also my section leader for marching band already knew I liked all genders apparently we had this conversation the 2nd week of my first year of marching band and apparently shes bisexual and she told me that when I told her I personally have no memory or this I was most likely on new Meds.

And im back on doing the thing of the day todays thing is
Shiru Ka~ I don't give a fuck
In japanese lol correct me if im wrong

Anyway thats it for today guys stay strong Love You Guys BYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

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