Lucid Dreamer

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So I live My Life The Way I Want In My Dreams.

If that doesn't make sense to you Im a lucid dreamer and I remember 99% of my dreams. Im working on controlling them better to. May seem strange to you but for the past two years technically longer but more aware since then,its became my normal. Maybe I'll talk more about it eventually if people ask?

Yes I still get nightmares and stuff but I personally can make them completely change like the entire dream Im not going to say what the dream was exactly but something was after me and I knew it was a dream so I just made the entire room Fairy Lights. I just made it go away by realizing it was a dream and imagining something else and it worked.

Um I'm not gonna say how you can realize cause really I just know😂 there are obvious ways to notice which I can say but I'm not going to unless people want me to. But I personally have never used them.

As far as remembering my dreams I do just remember them🤷🏻‍♂️😂 its kinda just like a real life memory in my head. But I just recently started a dream Journal just so I know just in case it seems realistic just so I'm able to remember it was the dream not real life😂 Basically only to tell the difference but idk just also for the hell of it and no its not on Wattpad its very fucked up 😂

But yeah that's all for today guys love you guys stay strong and happy pride ☝🏻 BYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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