Gender Roles...

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Society standards suck ass everyday of its life Gender Roles Suck GET RID OF THEM!!!! Society says dresses our for girls and suits are for guys I say whatever you like you wear it's your fucking body and you rock never be someone your not as long as your safe be you be proud of who you are even if you don't exactly have so called friends what a shame people our missing out on your awesomeness you know what else society says that people are pretending to be gay,non binary,trans ect. That we're all pretending just so they can be Special Snowflakes but your not and they need to learn to accept things for what they are im saying this and im a biological female and identity as one😂
"Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong"
But for the people that at least try to understand that's all I could ever ask for and I thank you for that

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