A Visit?

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     Hey what's up you guys
                           it's Andy( ^ω^ )

     So I've uploaded all videos that I've been working on I uploaded phase and the trip video. I haven't even filmed presentation yet mainly because I haven't been in the place I'm going to flim it in.

    What else? Oh yea I'm going on a trip to tenesse and six flags starting June 27th so not to long from now we should be back by July 5th? I think is what they said. I may or may not flim it just depends because my family will be there and I just don't enjoy filming in front of them so we shall find out.

AND HALSEY IS COMING IN JULY yessssss I'm going to clarify this one more time because some people still think we're daiting WE ARE NOT TOGETHER so yea she's coming she don't know what day though

She needs to find out soon though because my band camp starts during summer and I think it starts In September but I think someone told me it would be earlier than that my school starts band camp a few weeks before school  every year so it shouldn't inter fear
   But I'm sorry I haven't been posting much on here that's mainly because my phone is starting to freeze up I have a iphone4s and my iPad is being shit the update hasn't fixed the bug it created last update so there's that promplem
     I have video ideas the problem is getting to flim it but when Halsey comes we are going to flim one so there's that but yea if you guys have any questions or anything you want me to talk about let me know ok stay strong love you guys BYEEEEEEE!!!!

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