The Word Tranny...

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Hey boys,girls and nonbinary pals Today I'm going to talk about the word Tranny.Is it offensive?Is it not offensive? To me it all depends on how you use it and how you take it coming from others.I know that some trans people call themselves trannys for example Kale Blaze and Blaire White I'm not a huge fan of Blaire White but I'll probably discuss that a different time.Other trans people I wouldn't say mad they seem they get annoyed when people call them a tranny. I know some transphobic people use the word tranny to get trans people upset.Me personally I would just get annoyed like what's the point in calling me tranny? Yes I'm trans what's good? I don't really even know we're the word tranny came from I've mainly heard it come out of Blaire Whites mouth and Kale Blaze after that transphobic people but yea make sure you let me know you oppion down in the comments thank you bye!

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