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That's Russian for fuck by the way. I don't know why but I'm really good with different languages and figuring out what people are saying even if I Know none of the language. Like my mom had a bunch of friends that spoke Spanish and I just picked it up? Same thing happend with Del speaking Russian I just figured it out. Yet I can't remember shit when it comes to actual school stuff like I get good grades A's and B's but it takes a lot of effort to get it and I'm in all honors which makes it even more difficult.

The sad part is I like pushing myself to hard. Because then I'll get pissed because I know general would be no problem and I wouldn't have to do shit which isn't going to help me for future life things. The issue is there's no middle side of it I'm Ethier stuck where I get everything and I'm bored or I struggle till last minute.

And I know this sounds kind of odd and untrusting but I was wondering how all my friends would react if I stopped completely talking and only signed. Just to see how they would communicate with me because if I go fully deaf I will be mute I'm barley comfortable with talking now let alone talking when I can't hear myself. And for the people that can do that I'm proud of you good for you but it's my personal choice. But do you guys think this would be a decent experiment? Like do you think they would get ticked cause I won't speak or because I wanted to see what would happen? Let me know in the comments I'm genuinely curious.

  And if you guys ever figure out who my catfish was dont say anything to anyone or do anything. Dont say there account and give it out.Ive moved past it and honestly if the person reached out id probably talk to them. Id never reveal there account even though what they did was shitty. Idk I just got thinking about it🤷🏻‍♂️

   Also im getting a dlsr camera this Christmas. And soon my license,not sure on the vehicle but im getting on the videos guys. Ive been working on getting the camera I even gave them the money to get a better one for Christmas it probably wont be the best but its a start? Idk what kind they wont tell me. Some videos will have to be in my car😂 but please tell me what you want to see I'll probably sign some that ok with you guys?

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