Food/Lets chat

333 16 5

Sunday 18, 2016
Yea I already wrote today but it's 10:36 at night and I'm hungry but in my house there ain't shit to eat because my mums boyfriend eats for 4 my mum is pregnant and should be eating for at least two but instead she's eating less than a regular person should eat I should know because I use to not eat when I was hungry instead I would say no thanks I'm not hungry and would pass out and stuff which I still do that just not as much and not on purpose I'm very sorry if that seems depressing or anything but I'm saying what comes to my mind right now also life isn't just unicorns and rainbows ok hence rainbows Gaaayyyy hence unicorn my friends/unigue again it just came to my mind also I have a blanket right now and it's blue with white snowflakes on it and it's really soft Ugh I have a fucking science vocab test Tommorow 28 fucking words and have to get up at 6:40 school starts at 7:35 What the actual fuck and then Tuesday I have a 2 hour delay and I'm just not going to go because we don't have school the rest of the week and the best part of it all I some how managed to cut my ankle in 3 spots and haven't switched out of chorus yet because the teacher is a fucking bitch she's been kicking people out but YET I CANT FUCKING GET OUT YET UNTIL SECOND HALF? WTF BITCH AND MY NANA IS WANTING ME TO STAY IN SO THE FUCKING TEACHER TALKS TO HER FUCK IM GETTING OUT OF THE FUCKING CLASS IF IT MEANS I THREATEN HER or whatever I have to do take note I said threaten not actually harm her although I would LOVE TO
Okay... Sorry again I spoke what I was thinking and well it's 2:00 am now so I should sleep considering I will wake up 5 times in the middle of the night because I get paranoid about the alarm  not going off and yes it took me that long to write because during nighttime my thoughts are slow and so is my typing and litterley everything thing else also I'm really bad at tittles sorry lol

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