Lets Talk...

226 14 5

Tuesday 21st 2016
So I didn't want cats being my profile pic anymore even though I love animals and I don't want to put my face and name out here yet because my friends don't know I have a Wattpad but if you people's would like too you can call me Andy it's a unisex name so I thought it would fit pretty well... But the profile pic for now is a hat well because I like hats and wanted this one but my family hates me wearing hats so I couldn't get it sadly...And now a little update my hair is growing fast since I cut it and this is the first time I have ever chopped like a lot of my hair off my family hates the fact that I have short hair so they are thinking of not letting me cut it short anymore But I'm not going to let that happen because I like my hair short Ive been alot happier with myself since I cut it and GETTING OUT OF IT CHORUS YESSSS!!!! And they want it to be long again which I'll be ok but imma save money and go to the place by my self and get it cut because it helps with dysphoria but I don't really know why even if I have to wait To get a permit to drive !Ok probaly not that long I'll have a high schooler friend drive me or something I'll figure it out cause I'm not having long hair for a long time again no thanks and also it would be great if you guys could tell me about some things to read on here the stuff I've been reading  I already read it all
But anyway it's real close to Christmas and I wanted to say Merry Christmas! I will do my best to write on Christmas but the mix of family and Christmas and being called something that I'm not for a hole week isn't going to mix well so most of it will probably be about anxiety warning you now Also I recommend you check out Ash Hardell on YouTube if you are interested in learning more about the LGBT community.
So... I just found out something I had a dog when I lived out in the country and when we moved we were moving to town and Brutus is a outside dog and likes creeks and stuff so we didn't force him to come but we visit him and it's been a couple years since we moved and still have been visiting him well I just got told that he's gotten really sick and might be put to sleep they probably should have waited until after Christmas to tell me because now I'm going to be sad for awhile thanks a lot family this guy means a lot to me I got him when I was really little and he would swim with me and everything I've know Brutus  for 14 years so he's 14 to but dogs age by 7 years so he's really old

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