
197 13 7

December~Wednesday 22,2016

I would like to list some LGBT terms to my understanding of them and your more than welcome to correct me if I'm wrong and if you don't mind telling me what the colors to the gender-fluid flag are that would be great
Agender~is a term can be litterly translated as without gender.It can be seen etheir as a non-binary gender identity or as a statement of not having a gender identity.People who identity as Agender may describe themselves as one or more of the following:Genderless or lacking gender,gender neutral
Nonbinary~gender(see also gender queer) describes any gender identity which dose not fit within the binary of male and female.Those with nonbinary genders can feel that they have an androgynous (both masculine and femine) gender identity,such as androgyne.
Genderfluid~is a gender identity which refers to a gender that varies over time. A genderfluid person may at any time identify as male,female,neutrois,or any other nonbinary identity,or some combination of identities.Their gender can also vary at random or vary in response to different circumstances.
Epicene~having characteristics of both sexes or no characteristics of either sex
Panromantic~A person who is romantically attracted to others but is not limited to others sex or gender.(tend to feel that their partners genders dose little to define their relationship)
Pansexual~not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex,gender,or gender identity.
(Attracted to all)
Androgynous~partly male and partly female in apperence;of indeterminate sex.
•having the physical characteristics of both sexes
Transgender~denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity dose not conform unambiguously to convectional notions of male or female gender.(someone who goes to one gender to another like my cousin MTF)
Butch~masculine gender expression or gender identity.While many people who identify as butch use the term in reference to their gender expression,others claim it as a nonbinary identity in itself.
Aliagender~Someone who defines their gender as other or apart from existing genders
Demisexual~a person who dose not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.
Demigirl~is a gender identity describing someone who partially,but not wholly,identifies as a women,girl or otherwise femine,whatever their assigned gender at birth.They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a girl or women.
Demiboy~is a gender identity describing someone who partially,but not wholly,identifies as a man,boy or otherwise masculine,whatever their assigned gender at birth.They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to feeling partially a boy or man.
Bigender~is a gender identity which can be litterly translated as two genders or double gender.Bigender people experience exactly two gender identities,either simultaneously or varying between the two.These two gender identities could be male and female,but could also include nonbinary identities.
Testosterone~a steroid hormone that stimulates development of male secondary sexual characteristics,prouduced mainly in the tests,but also in the ovaries and adneral cortex.
AFAB~Assigned female at birth
AMAB~Assigned Male at birth
FTM~Female to male
MTF~Male to female
I would do more but these are the only ones I think I know if I'm wrong tell me please and I'll fix it I'm not a expert

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