Am I Even The One Planning Out My Life?

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Hey what's up you guys it is Andy
( ^ω^ )
How are you guys? I'm curious. Has school started for you people's yet if so is school being a bitch or is it good?

So far Highschool has been ok? I guess I haven't hid the fact of the genders I like by no means but some people still don't relize that I don't care.

Recently my friends have noticed I haven't been eating during school. Two friends in particular which is this girl and spuds. They keep asking me why I'm not eating. And I say I'm not hungry.

Idk I'm just never hungry anymore. And I'm not going back to being dizzy to make me pass out no no that makes me feel like shit every time it happened I don't do that on purpose.It Just Fucking Happens OK? People think I try to use it as a excuse of some sort do you think I fucking want to be like that? Because I can promise you that I don't.

I didn't change any of my classes. They might switch sign language by next year to consider it a foreign language so I'll wait if not I'll take it in collage.

We got a paper asking what kind of collages we wanted to take. I was completly lost in the process. I wanted to do so much. Like photography,music , language but you can only pick so many and I want to do that but I also want to help people be ok with who they are in a way maybe a gender therapist? Maybe a interpreter? For deaf people I just know I want to help someone in some way with whatever I end up doing. Or maybe I'll find a way to do them all in my life span.

Anyway I go I can help someone,in some way.

You guys our probley thinking wow this went to happy to depressing real quick Sorry...

Maybe I'm just depressed for no reason. Or maybe there is a reason that I can't think of. Or maybe I'm ignoring the reason. Or maybe I'm ignoring what makes me happy the truth is I have no fucking idea. I know I miss my friends that moved away but that's nothing new? I knew I didn't know what the fuck I was going to do for collage yet that's not new to me. So wth is wrong with me?

Maybe it's that deep down I know that only four of my friends at school gives two shits about me. Nope that's not new ethier . And actually I don't care enough to let that make me depressed so idk .

Also all this is typed on different days I'm not depressed today so maybe it was just a depressing day? Idk it's whatever I guess. Today my mom said to me that all I ever say is the word shit and she said I need to calm down over saying it so I was just like ok and signed the word shit and she was just like I give up 😂😂😂

Anyway stray strong love you guys BYEEEEE!!!!

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