Catch up?

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So first things first I'm the realist... I'm sorry I couldn't resist lol Hey what's up you guys its Andy ( ^ω^ )

Anyway I'm sorry I haven't posted recently I've been busy with band camp for two weeks now I have had it 8:00am -3:00pm and now I have it to 9:00am-3:00pm this is the last week of band camp.

But when school starts I will have to get up at 6:45am be at school by 7:35 school will end at like 2 ish ? I actually don't remember if it's 2:30 or 3:30 and then band will end at 5:00pm and I won't have internet so once again I will have to post during school the struggle of not having internet is real...

And somebody has been posting on my profile saying thier in love with me? I actually have no idea who this person is I tried asking them if I knew them they said maybe then I said who are you they said yo mama then I asked if they went to my school I haven't got a reply back

What bugs me is that if you like me you tell me don't hide behind a damn screen and post on my profile seriously just be real with me and if I don't like you like that so what? We can still be friends.

And I haven't told anybody from school my Wattpad username Sooo if it is a person from school idk how they got my username in fact I haven't told anyone my username for Wattpad so they ethier had access to my phone or something I'm not really sure and I have no idea if they have been reading this or not so its hard to say what they know if they are from school I don't even know the persons gender.

Also I might be able to ride a four wheeler to band so my mom wouldn't have to take me fingers crossed considering I walked half way home before mom picked me up from the side of the rode today. Usually I would get a ride but by the time I seen my moms message everyone had left so I walked it didn't kill me so I'm fine.

Well got to go stay strong love you guys BYEEEEE!!!!

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