Been Busy ...

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Hey what's up you guys it your friendly human Andy ( ^ω^ )

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to write it's crazy high school I have homework every fucking night even week ends. Halsey hasn't been talking to me much at all really it seems like she don't even want to be friends anymore. She's got a boyfriend and she didn't tell me I found out from the Internet. So yea kinda pissed me off because I rather her tell me then HAVEING me think we are going to be together one day but whatever I guess I can't see inside her head so what am I suppose to do ? I guess nothing lol.

My friend asked my other friend to homecoming in front of the class I got a video of it so I may post it to YouTube so you guys can watch it was great lol.She was going to do it over the I've the intercom but they wouldn't let her. she also is going to ask her out AT THE HOMECOMING DANCE !!! I will get it on record I ship them too hard lol (it's gay) Let me to know if you all want to see it!

Lol I've made a new friend thier name is Erica. Me and them are going to homecoming together. WE ARE JUST FRIENDS sorry I have to say that because if not people will think we're dating they are genderfluid and the cool thing about this is I know some one in Irl that is under the nonbinary umbrella.

But litterly the only reason I started talking to them is because their brother just randomly brought them up lol this somewhat how it went...
Dude~My sister said you were hot
Me~lol ok
Dude~she just came out and bought a bow tie and cut her hair short and ever since she seen you during band camp she hasn't stoped saying your cute
Dude~Are you gay?
Me~I like all genders
Dude~she likes girls she also identifies as something hmm...
Me~ *names of like 10 different genders* Genderfluid?
Dude~ *Snaps his fingers* YEAH THATS IT! What do you identify as?

And I of course awsered him the next day me and Erica texted back and fourth and they are pretty cool they asked me to my homecoming as friends so I said yes. And I think they also will date nonbinary genders not just girls but yea thats my new friend lol.

And I've actually seen them around before. One day they were in the Highschool band room waiting for their brother and I Almost walked up to them and said nice bow tie (it's a gay ass bow tie ok?) and I didn't because that would have been wierd as fuck especially if I've never talked to them before and I told them about this and they said they probaly would have fan girled lol.

But yeah that all for today guys love you guys STAY STRONG BYEEEEEEE!!!!

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