Questioning?/Ive got News

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Hey what's up you guys it's Andy and today let's see what I end up saying.


     I'm pansexual but I have to have a strong emotional bond to be attracted to someone so I like all genders just I have to have a strong connection with them. So demisexual/pansexual?

Pansexual~not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity

Demisexual~ A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a emotional connection. It's more commonly seen in, but by no means confined, to romantic relationships. The term demisexual comes from the orientation being "halfway between" sexual and asexual

     Which I knew my sexuality just settled With pansexual cause it's correct just not exact?😂
My hearing in my right ear is pretty much going. Everyone seems to think I'm exaggerating but I guess they will realize when I don't hear them even more.

        I've always gotten really bad ear infections and this might be the one that makes me have to get hearing aids. Like my hearing in my right ear is slowly going and no one's listening to me. I have one person I know that knows asl and that's the guy I'm with. I really want to be around someone that gets the hearing issue because no one is going to have the patience to talk to me if they don't know asl I'm not fluent but I was looking to be a interpreter/photographer when I grew up. And I guess I just want to at least know one person wether it's irl or online that's having a bit of a issue with the same thing? Maybe help with asl since I've only been signing with music and sometimes I can't tell what exactly the hand-placement is.

      There is a asl class at my school but the only person I know that takes it is my boyfriend. And we sign to each other a lot because my hearing especially in the hallway and cafeteria but sometimes in class because I can't hear the projector and I also can't hear the teacher when the intercom comes on and they keep talking😐 ignoring the intercom... I'm already use to people saying nevermind when I don't hear them the first time... It's aggravating. Because my friends are the ones that do it. And they know I can't hear that well especially if it's loud and I don't want d (boyfriend) to have to sign everything for me and I'm not going to ask him to. My point being I will never get my hearing fixed for someone else because if they want to talk to me and be my friend they can put the effort in to learning asl. If I lose my friends because of my hearing they aren't friends I do believe it will be a issue because a lot of them say oh nevermind or nothing. But o well I've made new friends before I can do it again. And I Will NEVER get a cochlear implant. Sometimes they don't work but I'm not going to fix myself for anyone.  Hearing aid I might but it depends because some are expensive I don't have the money for that. And I feel like if I was at school I would just end up turning it off unless a teacher was talking to me.


    My family thinks I'm exaggerating.My ear is in severe pain.Send help😂 so hearing issue similar to mine?know asl ? Message me? Send help my way?😂

  Apparently my YouTube is at 55 subs that's pretty cool. I'm hoping to upload soon I've just not been motivated I have ideas I would like more. I did have surgery there will be a video explaining why sometime. I don't think I put this in my last post but I got my permit next summer I will be getting a job and saving up for a s10 truck. Before anyone ask yes deaf/hard of hearing people can drive🤦🏻‍♂️😂

    Anyway that's all for today guys...

Thing of the dayyyyyy????
   •What would you guys like to see on my channel/Want me to talk about on here??
   •Maybe a taking photos journey?
   • A Q and A?
   Give me ideas guys I'll need them when I get video time.

Living as a UnHealthy teenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora