Linear Beginnings

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I never understood stories that started anywhere other than the beginning.  It's confusing, and life is confusing enough, anyway, thank you very much.

But, right now, I'm breaking my own rule, and starting at the end, or at least, the end of the beginning.  Basically, I'm just picking a place to start, because I don't know exactly where this really began in the first place.

The only thing I knew for sure was that I had to do something, answer some call, have something to look back on before I found myself in an old woman's body wondering what the fuck happened, where did I go, and where it all went wrong?

I want to say this started at the start, but I guess it all began a little before that, when I realised it was time for that chapter of my life to end and the new one to begin, when I spontaneously went into work, at the takeaway place in town, checked the calendar, and gave them two weeks notice that I would be going away for three weeks.

Rebecca, who I worked under, was so excited and had asked me all sorts of questions, where I was going, what I was doing.  But I couldn't answer.

I felt a calling.  I didn't realise it at the time, but it was like something inside me waking up and urging me to go, so I did.  I trusted that everything that happened would happen the way it was supposed to.

Or, at least, that's what I told myself to try to convince myself not to chicken out of this like I did with everything else...

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