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I met a boy with a whole universe inside him, his eyes full of shimmering stardust, like windows into his soul, shining so brightly I could barely look into them for more than a second.

His body was like a bridge between the physical and spiritual world, a mind so full of power and knowing, it was like it was spilling from his being in an overflow of glowing aura.

He saw behind my borrowed smile and dancing eyes to the loneliness that resided.

His mind drew me in, his soul whispering so softly to mine, and, when mine responded, it was like a universe exploding in a shower of stardust.

Now, the tiny fragments of the very first moments are starting to settle, our souls slowly awakening and recognising one another for the first time since the beginning of time, and a glowing hum is twisting and twining our fates, making us one whole, as we were always meant to be.

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