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She'd fallen asleep just after the best part of the sunrise, after the fire had slowly vanished from the sky, and Kyra stayed there, holding onto her for a while longer.

She stirred in his arms and woke up again, and he smiled down at her, kissing her cheek.

"Sorry, I fell asleep on you, again," she said, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

"It's okay, sleepy head," he teased, smirking.

She shivered and he tightened his hold on her, resting his cheek in her hair.

"You wanna go home?"  He asked her, watching her playing with the sand around them, picking up a small handful and letting it trickle between her fingers.

"We can stay longer, if you want," she said, wiping her hand down her leg, tiny grains falling from where they'd stuck.

"I'm ready when you are," he told her, beginning to feel the cold of the morning breeze himself.

"Okay," she responded, and they climbed to their feet again, feeling stiff and sore, and made their way up the sand dunes to where Kyra had parked, an arm each around each other, not just for warmth.

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