Fun Day

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We call Sunday Fun Day, because none of us ever have to work, and we all hang out together and go to the river, or the beach, or on a road trip, or just hang around at home and get high or play monopoly or whatever we feel like doing at the time.

The heat was lingering, and we all decided that it was warm enough to go to the waterfall to cool off.  Ash seemed more quiet and shy than normal, and I wondered if it was because it was one of the first times that everyone was all together.  I made a point of tying to include her more, which I think she appreciated.

The others had raced ahead, but Ash and I hung back, making our way more slowly through the trees.

I glanced over to her and saw her press her hand against her lower abdomen when she though I wasn't watching, wincing.   She saw me, though, and gave me a tight lipped smile.

"You okay, Ash?"  I asked her, and she quickly nodded.

"I'm fine."  She smiled again, more naturally this time, but I didn't buy it.

"Girl problems?"  I guessed, and she bit her lip, shrugging her shoulders, seeming embarrassed.  I smiled sympathetically.

"We can go back to the house, if you want," I offered.  "I'll tell the others that you're not feeling well."

"It's fine," she said quickly.  "It's not that bad."

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