Ashley's Dream

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I was strolling down the road one evening when I came across a large insect man.  He beckoned me over, then whispered in my ear.

"Follow me," he said, "for, I know the way into the clouds. "

I agreed and he took my hand and pulled me into the sky.

"Here," he said in his scratchy beetle voice, "I made a nest for you."

I immediately recognised his evil intent, but it was too late for me, there was no escaping.

There, in the clouds was a writhing mass of larvae in the nest of clouds.  They were quickly evolving into something more human, like myself.

The beetle man insisted I climb inside the nest and so I did, reluctantly.  Who was I to argue with him?

The worm people slowly wriggled their way up my leg and on to my shoulders, reaching their slime covered arms toward their father.

He shrank back against the wall, howling as he realised what I'd done.  The worm children would get away.

The imprisoned worm children inspired me to escape, and I made for the sky, leaping from the nest with a single thrust of my feet.  I sailed through the sky, the beetle snapping at my heels.

I plummeted to the ground, and the beetle landed beside me.

The beetle was nothing but a tiny speck on the ground, and, with that, I squashed it into the dirt.

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