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She had a few hours to kill, and Kyra took her to show her around the town.  Normally, they would ask for her mobile number, so that they could give her a call regarding the car, but, as it turned out, Edgy was one of Kyra's room mates, so he said he'd call him when they figured out the problem.

The town nestled neatly between two headlands which jutted out to sea, the main road running parallel to the humble little beach between the headlands.

There were properties up in the hills, he'd explained, which is where he lived with his four friends.  It was only a fifteen minute drive from the town where they all worked, but it was far enough away to forget about the world.

He took her to the beach and they took off their shoes, wading out knee deep into the icy water, avoiding three kids as they ran in and out of the tiny waves lapping on the sand.  He pointed out the headland to their right, and told her that's where she'd broken down.  The town she'd been able to see from the cliffs was the one they were currently in.

"So, you surf?"  She wondered, and he nodded, turning toward the second headland, where she could see the white caps of waves breaking over the reefs.

"That's the best spot, around here," he explained.  "You can climb down, and jump in off the rocks."

"That sounds terrifying," she gasped, and he chuckled.

"Nah," he said casually, "if you get a good swell, it pushes you away from the rocks so it doesn't jam you up against them.  It hurts real bad, if you go over the other side and hit into them."

"I bet it does," she agreed.

They walked the length of the beach until they got to the exit point, then he took her up that, and they crossed the road to wander around the street.

There were the usual things; cafes, banks, pubs, surf shops and souvenir shops, and she went in to the first one to buy a stamp and a post card.

She explained to him that she was writing one to herself everyday and sending it home, like a travel diary.  He thought it was the best idea and wished he'd thought of it anytime he'd travelled anywhere.  Then, they went to one of the cafés and bought coffee.

"Are you staying here overnight?"  Kyra wondered, and she nodded.

"Probably, now that my cars down and out."  She sighed and he smiled sympathetically.  "Can you recommend anywhere good?"

"There's a few places around that might have vacancies," he said.  "If not, we have a spare room, at our place we hire out to backpackers and people passing through, if you can't find anywhere else, though."

"Oh really?"  She perked up.  "How much a night?"

"Ten a night, or fifty for a week," he said.  "It's all fully furnished and whatever, if you're interested."

She nodded eagerly, then hesitated, her stranger danger radar going off.

"Keira finishes work in about half an hour," he said, as though picking up on her unease.  "I'm giving her a ride home, you want to come check it out?"


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