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There's infinite languages in the universe.

Theres the ones we speak to one another, the ones we learn from our parents, when we are only children, and then there's the ones we learn through living, like the way we speak to animals, or the way the earth can speak to us, the deep vibrations at it's core that we feel and understand.

Like people.

We can speak to people in whatever language we learn, and we can learn as many languages as we can and speak to even more people.

Then there's the people like Ashely, who, not only do you understand what she's saying, but you get what she's saying.

There's a difference.

You can understand someone easily enough.  They're speaking words that make sense, and the words make up sentences that also make sense, and you might agree or disagree, but you understand what they're saying, because words have meanings that are at least comprehensive.

Then there's the sentences that makes sense, like that person's soul is speaking directly to yours.  They can use words, they can use phrases, but everything that they are saying, you believe in wholeheartedly, because they are speaking the truth, and others might not understand, but, the two of you are on the exact same page and it's like you have your very own language that only you can communicate in.

I live for these conversations.

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