Butterflies Of The Night

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Hey, Kyra

Yeah, Ash?

You know how they've discovered all the land on the earth?  Imagine if there were more countries that they didn't tell us about because they're full of something, like the zombie apocalypse or something, so the earth map doesn't even look like how it does, like there's more countries and stuff.

That is so true.

That would be weird.

But maybe it's not the zombies, because they might figure out how to swim or whatever and we would find out about them, maybe they're farm countries and they're trying to grow food for the masses.  What if there actually is a food shortage, and that's what war is really about?  The governments are trying to kill off the population of humans, but telling us were fighting something else so they don't create mass hysteria.

That's horrible.

I know.

What if there's a food shortage because the zombies ate the food from the farm countries, and they had to let it go, or they'd swim and take over the world.  That's all that's keeping them there.

Aw, that actually could have been what happened.  That's freaky, you just wouldn't know.

I'm scared, now.

Me too.

Can we talk about something different?

Good idea.



It's a good point, though.

What is?

Um... I can't remember.  What were we saying?

Shit, I don't remember either.  Uh oh.

I've completely forgotten what we were talking about, I feel like it was fun though.

I feel like it was bad.  Actually, I think it was fun, you're right.

Or maybe it was bad?  I don't know.

Hey, we were talking about zombies.

Oh yeah!  Dude, we would have completely forgotten that if we didn't remember.

Well, obviously!


Dude, I feel like I'm in a Disney movie, but I'm a sub character, I'm a frog.

Like, how there's always the funny little animal that follows the main character?

Yeah, like, you're the main one, and I'm your Disney mascot!

Like Beauty and The Beast.

I like that one.

Ha!  Hey, Ash, when you trip so hard, you turn into candles.

They weren't tripping!

Weren't they?

Or maybe they were?  I don't know.

I need my own song.  Why do they always sing in those movies?

Yeah... like, the only issue is... I forgot the only issue.  Wait, it's not a Disney movie, there isn't an issue.

I feel like I'm meant to be doing something, right now, but I don't know what it is.

Nah, we had the afternoon free, remember? That's why we're doing this.

Oh yeah.

My throat is dry, was I singing?  I feel like I've been singing.  This incense isn't helping.

Want me to put it out?



Hey, Ashley, I just remembered this dream I had when I was a kid, where there were these dogs and they had furry heads and tails, but the rest were skeletons.

Ew!  Why did you remember that?

I don't know, like, why couldn't I remember how to do fractions or something useful?

Oh my god, that's so true!

I know I'm peaking, because that tree out there looks like a sad old man.

Hey, I can actually see that.

He's looking at you, Ash.

This song sounds so good.  Kyra, does this song actually sound good?

I think so, it does now.

I'm not sure, but I think I'm coming down.

Nah, you wouldn't be, that's just your body accepting it's fate.




Oh my god, Kyra!

Oh my god, what?

Moths are just the butterflies of the night!

Oh my god.

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