Smudge Sticks

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It was just Rae and I that morning, since everyone else had gone to work.  The two of us were sitting at the table in the kitchen, the room filled with the scent of fresh coffee, lavender and sage.

Rae was showing me how to wrap the sage leaves around the lavender to make smudge sticks, which were used to cleanse the energy of the space you burned them in.

I sighed in frustration as, once again, the leaves fell away from the stalks as I attempted to wrap them.  Rae giggled and handed me another that she had just finished, and I turned it over, studying it.

"You wanna try it?"  She wondered, and I nodded eagerly.

She lead me into the lounge room where she lit the smudge stick, holding it over a wooden bowl to catch the ash as it smouldered, smoke floating through out the room.

"You let the smoke go where it wants, and you just speak some incantations," she explained.

"Like what?"  I wondered.

"Something powerful," she told me mysteriously.  "A spell."

She brushed her hand over the top of the burning smudge stick, cutting a path through the smoke as she took a deep breath, following the ghostly grey with her eyes.

"Bless this space, and cleanse this spirit," she murmured, her voice strong, yet quiet at the same time, "Evoke good energy and evict all evil that resides here."

It was like there was power behind her words, as though any lingering evil had suddenly been driven out, and the house had been cleansed by the burning herbs.  I felt light, empowered and strong and I smiled as Rae grinned at me, a spiraling cloud of smoke twisting between us.

"Is that a real spell?"  I asked her.

"I don't know," she replied, stubbing out the remainder of the smudge stick.  "I just made it up."

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