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I found that surfing in the morning was just as good as coffee to wake up, though, today, I wasn't particularly focused on what I was doing, and I ate shit a couple of times.

Tomorrow is a full moon, so the tides were kind of crazy, the swell strong.  I should have been paying attention, but I was keen to get home today, after work.  I was going to see if Ash wanted to come and see the waterfall and the pools in the forest, which were one of my favourite places to visit, and I was really excited to share it with her.

Surprisingly, work dragged, which never happened.  I had started early, which meant finishing early and having the rest of the day to explore and do whatever I wanted.

Normally, I loved it, talking with all the regulars as well as the people I'd never seen before, hearing their stories about where they were from, where they were headed and what they'd seen and learned along the way.

Finally, 12:30 rolled around, and I signed off, waving to Heart who had started her shift half an hour ago.

"See ya, babe," she called, her husky voice light and teasing, knowing I was up to something.

"See you next time," I answered.

Home was a welcome sight, the smell of burnt sage and lavender greeting me as I opened the front door, and I smiled.  Rae the hedge witch.

"Rae," I called, "please tell me you didn't turn Ash into a toad, or something."

"Course I did," she teased.   "You can put her up with the rest of your zen frogs."

"Is that where they're coming from?"

Rae said nothing, just fixed me with a mysterious look as Ash grinned across from her, unharmed by Rae's witchcraft, thankfully, still in human form.

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