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Everyone worked today, except for me, and I spent the morning vacuuming and mopping the floor, cleaning the bathroom and washing my dirty clothes, since I only had one clean outfit left.

I even pulled some weeds out of the veggie garden once I'd hung them out to dry.  I wasn't sure if they would; I'd heard thunder earlier today, so I was worried that it would rain, but it had fined up a little, so I figured I was safe.  

There were a tonne of ripe cherry tomatoes on the bush, and I picked them before the birds and bugs could get to them, carrying them into the kitchen and put them all into a bowl in the fridge for Kyra.

Rae finished and was the first home, around lunch time, and we made pasta together for lunch, using some of the tomatoes I'd collected.  Rae was watching Game Of Thrones, but was nearly a season behind me, so we put it on and watched a few episodes to kill some time, waiting for the others to finish work and come home.

Keira and Caleb came home together, and we made them finish off the pasta.  Kee locked herself in the kitchen and forbade any of us from entering as she prepared her 'surprise.'  Caleb curled up with Rae, kissing her cheek and joined in our Game Of Thrones marathon, trying our best to ignore the suspicious stench coming from the kitchen.

After a couple more episodes, I went and wrote another postcard, leaving it on the bedside table, on top of the one from last night.

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