The River

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It was that bad, but she didn't want to admit it to him.  It was bad enough that he'd figured it out as easily as he had.  Most other guys she knew would have freaked out or gotten as embarrassed as she was about a girl being on her period, but Kyra didn't even bat an eye.

Despite herself, and despite the cramps crippling her, Ashley was having the time of her life.  She sat on the edge of one of the larger pools of water, beside Kyra, both of them swirling the water with their feet as the others all splashed one another.

She explored the smaller pools with Kyra, spotting a little crab creature about the size of her little finger.

"What's that?"  She asked him, crouching beside the pool to point it out to him

"It's a yabby," he told her.  "Don't touch it; it'll pinch you."

She warily drew her hand away and leaned a little closer.

"I thought it was a baby lobster," she said, laughing at herself.

"Not around here," he told her, smiling at the way her face lit up.  At least she didn't seem like she was in pain, anymore.

Kee had climbed out of the water, begging and pleading with Edgy as he tried to corner her, taunting her with whatever he was holding in his hand.

"Leave her alone!"  Rae called to him from the water where she and Caleb remained.

"It's only a frog," Edgy was saying as Kee darted around him again.

"Fifty bucks if you eat it," Caleb told him, grinning as he crossed his arms on the edge of the pool, watching with interest.

"He'd do it for twenty," Kee told him, still backing away.

"I would," Edgy admitted.

"Don't eat the frog, you dickhead," Kyra frowned.

"You want it?"  Edgy teased, "I know how much you love frogs."

They all laughed, and Kyra carefully took the little brown frog from him, returning to Ash with it to show her.  They carefully released it besides some tiny little holes in the smooth rocks by the water fall, where the water was barely moving so that the frog wasn't swept away and hurt.

Stardust (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora