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I added Nicole and Chloe and Emilie on Facebook, and followed them on Instagram, then I wished them good luck, and started on my journey again.

I was going to drive longer, but the next town over seemed interesting.  It was a smaller version of the one I was just in.  There were a few cafes, a post office and convenience store, as well as a b&b and a motel.

I explored for a while, visiting the war memorial, then bought myself a chocolate bar at the convenience store, needing a sugar hit, and also because chocolate is awesome.  If you say otherwise, then you are wrong.  End of story.  This town had a beach, too, a little rougher than the last, and found myself gravitating toward the ocean, where I spent an hour walking among the shallows.

I collected things along the way putting them in my pocket with projects in mind, knowing full well they'd end up lost in my car somewhere before I ever completed said projects.

Finally, I trudged back to the car, sandy and wet, my pocket full of washed up treasures, and left the town behind.

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